Cholesterol, bile acids, and steroid hormones
Sterol metabolism
In humans cholesterol and cholesterol derivatives (steroid hormones,
bile acids) are essential metabolites for the physiological integration
of the body of the endocrine system, regulation of cell membrane processes,
and adsorption of dietary lipids. Cholesterol
(C00187; systematic name Cholest-5-en-3beta-ol) and its fatty acyl
esters (C02530)
are important structural components of membranes. Cholesterol also
serves as precursor for the synthesis of steroid hormones, vitamin
D, (C05441; vitamin D2) and bile salts, which are important
in fat absorption from the small intestine into the blood circulatory
system and secretion of liver waste products through feces (e.g. bilirubin,
the end product of heme degradation which gives feces its dark coloration).
As for glucose, the body balance of cholesterol is under control of
the liver which regulates the turnover rate of cholesterol levels
via lipoprotein particles.
Cholesterol synthesis
(KEGG pathway
While dietary cholesterol uptake in humans is limited to about
0.5g/day or less, all physiological requirments for cholesterol
are supplied by the liver through de novo synthesis of cholesterol
from acetyl-CoA. Cholesterol, a C27 compound is synthesized in a
pathway that can be split in three parts:
1. Synthesis of mevalonate, a reduced C6 compound from 3 Acetyl-CoA
2. Activation of mevalonate to isopentenyl-PP (isoprene unit),
a C5 precursor which is used to elongate a lipid chain to squalene,
a C30 intermediate
3. Cyclycation and demethylation of squalene by monooxygenases
to the cyclic C27 cholesterol end product
The first part of cholesterol synthesis is located in the cytoplasmic
compartment in a process reminiscent of ketone body formation in
the mitochondrion. Two acetyl-CoA units are combined to acetoacetyl-CoA
(C00332) by a thiolase
(EC; Acetyl-CoA C-acetyltransferase) reaction. The
acetoacetyl-CoA is further combined by hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA
synthase (EC with a third acetyl-CoA unit to form
the six carbon (C6) intermediate beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutaryl-CoA
(C))356; HMG-CoA). HMG-CoA is transported to the endoplasmatic
reticulum membrane where it is reduced to mevalonate
(C6 compound; C00418) by HMG-CoA
reductase (E.C. using 2 molecules of NADPH as
reductant. HMG-CoA reductase is an integral membrane protein of
the ER membrane.
HMG-CoA formation is the key control in sterol synthesis and the
synthase is under control of cholesterol levels to adjust cholesterol
levels according to serum cholesterol levels (LDL). If cholesterol
uptake is low, liver and small intestine will synthesize cholesterol
accordingly. If HMG-CoA is not needed because of high levels of
dietary cholesterol, it is degraded quickly to acetoacetate
(C00164) and acetyl-CoA by HMG-CoA
lyase (EC in the mitochondrial matrix compartment
contributing to ketone body formation.
Mevalonate is the immediate sterol synthesis precursor leading
to the formation of the cholesterol ring structure. Mevalonate is
decarboxylated to form the C5 intermediate isoprene
or isopentenyl diphosphate (C00129). Isoprene is a key intermediate
for different pathways including biosynthesis and degradation of
glycoproteins (see dolichol-PP; MAP00510),
terpenoids (plants; MAP00900),
and synthesis of coenzyme Q (ubiquinone), vitamin K, and carotenoids
retinol biosynthesis MAP00830).
Here, isoprene is used to form the C30 compound squalene (from
6 isoprene units). In a first isomerization reaction (a) isopentenyl-PP
is in equilibrium with dimethyl-PP. One unit each condense (b) to
form the C10 compound geranyl-PP. A third C5 unit, isopentenyl-PP
is added to form the C15 intermediate farnesyl-PP, two of which
condense to form squalene plus pyrophosphate. This reaction is driven
by a reducing equivalent NADPH.
C5 + C5 = C10 (2x)
C10 + C5 = C15 (2x)
C15 + C15 = C30
Squalene is cyclized to cholesterol, as is implied by the figure
above showing the coiled conformation of this linear aromatic molecule.
The cyclization reaction pathway is shown below. In three steps,
squalene is reduced in the presence of molecular oxygen and NADPH
to squalene epoxide which has a different C=C bond distribution
priming the molecule for carbon ring fusion. The latter is the substrate
for cyclase forming Lanosterol. Lanosterol is subsequently
reduced and three methyl units removed (demethylation) forming the
end product cholesterol. Cholesterol is ubiquitous in eukaryotes
but absent from most prokaryotes. Sterol metabolism is strictly
dependent on molecular oxygen.
Regulation of sterol
HMG-CoA reductase is under negative feed back control by the sterol
synthesis end products cholesterol and bile salts. The important
indicator of HMG-CoA reductase is the blood cholesterol concentration
which is mostly determined by the presence of low density lipoprotein
particle (LDL). The reductase is also under hormonal control
through a cAMP mediated second messenger pathway. The phosphorylated
reductase is inactive. The enzyme is inactivated by hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA
reductase (NADPH)-kinase (EC and reactivated by hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA
reductase (NADPH)-phosphatase (EC
Cures for high cholesterol
In addition, the reductase is targeted as a control enzyme by cholesterol
lowering drugs such as compactin (6-demethyl-mevinolin) which functions
as an antagonist, i.e., a competitive inhibitor for the substrate
HMG-CoA. Compactin has also been implicated in some forms of anticancer
treatments through mechanisms of cell growth inhibition. Another
inhibitor is pravastatin
(C01844) for treatment of atherosclerosis by lowering blood cholesterol
levels. [Note: agood inhibitor of an enzyme is called an antagonist
if it binds to the same site on the protein as the substrate (active
site). The inhibitor competes for the substrate, but no catalytic
reaction will occur. Ideally, the inhibitor will mimic the transition
state of the enzyme substrate complex. The side-chain of pravastatin
has a structure similar to that of hydroxy-methyl-glutarate on the
CoA molecule. Also the double cyclic ring structure of pravastatin
is important in its ability to bind to the enzyme active site.]
Distribution of cholesterol
Cholesterol is an essential component of mammalian cell membranes.
It is, however, not evenly distributed. Plasma membranes have a
cholesterol content of up to 45% of all lipids found, while ER membranes
contain as little as 10%. Inner mitochondrial membranes are almost
devoid of cholesterol. Actual cholesterol levels are cell type specific
and may vary. As for phospholipids and membrane proteins, cholesterol
is transported from its site of synthesis to other membranes by
vesicle transport. Cholesterol designated for secretion and transport
to other cells in the body is acylated before incorporated
into lipoprotein particles. The low density lipoprotein particle
(LDL) is the major particle for cholesterol transport. LDL particles
are remnant of VLDL that contain both triglycerides and cholesterol.
VLDLs are produced in liver cells - lipids, cholesterol, proteins
- and transported from there to target organs to unload triglycerides
(to adipocyte, muscle). The remaining cholesterol rich LDLs are
recognized by other cell types by cell surface receptor specific
for LDLs. They are taken into the cells by endocyteoses and the
lysosomal compartment separates the components extracting cholesterol
for membrane biosynthesis in ER membranes and recycles the LDL receptor
to the cell surface.
Steroid hormone synthesis
KEGG pathway
and MAP00150)
Steroid hormones are cholesterol derivatives in animals that are
used for a broad range of signaling mechanisms. Cholesterol is hydroxylated
and shortened (removing the the C6 hydrophobic side chain at position
C21) to the C21 intermediates pregnenolone and progestagen.
The latter is a hormone secreted in the uterus controlling ovum
implantation. It is also the precursor for the male and female sex
hormones androgens (C19) and estrogens (C18), respectively.
Other hormones for both sexes include the mineralcorticoids
(e.g. aldosterone; C21) used to control kidney function (sodium,
potassium, proton absorption), and glucocorticoids (e.g.
cortisol C21), which are stress activators of gluconeogenesis,
glycogen, fat, and protein degradation, similar to the peptide hormone
One important enzyme type in sterol metabolism are the monooxygenases.
They catalyze an oxidation-reduction step in the presence of molecular
oxygen. One oxygen atom is used for hydroxyl (or epoxide) formation,
while the other is reduced to H2O. Monooxygenases are also known
as cytochrome P450 or mixed function oxygenases.
Bile acid synthesis
(KEGG pathway MAP00120)
Bile acids are amphipathic derivatives of cholesterol. They
are synthesized in the liver and used as detergents in the gastro
intestinal tract. They are stored in the gallbladder from where
they are released into the small intestine to help solubilize dietary
Cholesterol is converted to trihydroxycoprostanoate. This reaction
includes the activity of 8 enzymes having either monooxygenase or
dehydrogenase activity. This includes EC Cholesterol
7alpha-monooxygenase. This P450 heme-thiolate protein is acting
on paired donors with incorporation of molecular oxygen using NADH
or NADPH as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen.
A second type of oxidation is catalyzed by dehydrogenases like EC, Cholest-5-ene-3beta,7alpha-diol 3beta-dehydrogenase,
acting on the CH-OH group of donors and using NAD+ or NADP+ as acceptor
groups. Please note that some of the dehydrogenase and monooxygenases
are used in bile acid synthesis as well as steroid hormone synthesis.
The hydroxylation renders the sterol ring structure more water
soluble. The activated cholyl-CoA then reacts with the amino
acids glycine or taurine to form glycocholate or taurocholate,
respectively. These final bile acid structures are amphipathic molecules
forming small, water soluble micelles. It is the latter micelle
activity by which bile acids solubilize dietary lipids.
A small difference
Looking at the structure of cholesterol derivatives (hormones,
bile acids) the hydrogen at position C5 can be in one of two stereo-conformations:
alpha- or beta, trans or cis, respectively. The orientation is viewed
with respect to the orientation of the methyl groups C19 and C18
between rings A-B and C-D. The alpha form is typical for steroid
hormones, whereas the beta form is found only in bile acids. Stereo-chemical
differences is a major property in sterol metabolism and selectivity
of hormones for their receptors.
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