Nutrition on the Internet

Internet sites with nutritional information

The Internet is filled with general information about nutrition, supplements, and health advocacy. One on-line source for nutritional information is the Nutrient Data Laboratory at the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). It contains the searchable Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 14, which allows retrieval of information on energy content, major and minor nutrient composition of edible food items as found in grocery stores. Nutrients included are protein, (and its amino acid composition), carbohydrate, and fat content (details as saturated, mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids), cholesterol, vitamins, and minerals. It also has information on food additives, supplements, and nutritive values of foods. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) provides food safety and regulatory information through the Center of Food Safety and applied Nutrition. Both the FDA and USDA are part of the Departments of Health and Human Services of the United States Government. Food safety is under control of the FDA covering the following areas: acidified and low acid canned foods biotechnology, color additives, cosmetics, dietary supplements, food ingredients and packaging, food borne illness, microbiological methods, food labeling and nutrition, imports and exports, inspections, compliance, enforcement and recalls, pesticides and chemical contaminants, total diet study, BSE, or food allergens. Food safety is not addressed in this class, but is important for those interested in nutrition and dietary guidelines.

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Internet Sources: A plethora of unique chemical pathways in microorganisms, and cell type specific metabolic needs in animals and plants promise many future discoveries in the general field of nutraceuticals and functional foods (see part III). The recent advances in genome sequencing and the concomitant establishment of databases of DNA and amino acid sequences (see NCBI; National Center for Biotechnology Information), protein structures (see PDB; Protein Data Base), and specifically the metabolic pathway database KEGG. These and other databases provide a gold mine for today's biochemical research.

FDA (US Food and Drug Administration)

Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Nutrition
Dietary Supplements

USDA (US Department of Agriculture)

US Department of Agriculture
Nutrient Data Laboratory (Food Composition)
Food and Nutrition Information Center
American Food Guide 

Metabolism at KEGG
(Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes)

Metabolic Pathway Maps
Compounds with Biological Roles

Scientific publications

The Journal of Nutrition (American Society for Nutritional Science)



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 Copyright © 2000-2011 Lukas K. Buehler