Reviews of books by Lukas K. Buehler
Cell Membranes This book presents cell membranes from a ‘membrane centric’ point of view. In an easy to read style, it introduces the reader to the vesicular nature of cell membranes, which allows cells to be building blocks of living organisms by compartmentalizing life into small, manageable metabolic units. From this organizational starting point, the reader is guided through the structural organization of cell membranes, exploring the molecular and biological diversity of lipid and protein components and how the combinatorial richness of both components explains the permeability properties of cell membranes, the ability of membranes to communicate with and adhere to other cells, the mechanical properties of cell membranes that underlie their ability to rapidly respond to tension and stress through shape transformation such as cell movement, fusion and fission, the ability of membranes to store and convert energy and to act as metabolic compartments in their own right managing maintenance and self-renewal. May 13, 2015 / © 2015 Lukas K. Buehler / go back to Book Review Home Bioinformatics Basics Applications in Biological Science
and Medicine This completely updated 2nd edition includes information about the human genome project and related genome projects and introduces genomics and proteomics applications in medicine, agriculture and pharmaceutical drug development. (updated 7/18/05) From the 1st edition: Computers have revolutionized biology and medicine controlling everything from DNA sequencing to aiding in the interpretation of the functional significance of those sequences and the rational design of drugs. The most amazing result is the existence of publicly accessible databases which can be accessed from anywhere in the world and analyzed using interactive software via the Internet. No longer do scientists depend on physical access to super computer centers or the mailing of magnetic tapes to the laboratory from there. Most molecular biologist are not computer scientists, but simply want to use computers as tools to do research. 'Bioinformatics Basics' gives an overview of free and publicly available information and information management. This book does not tell you how to write algorithms, but how to use Genbank, KEGG metabolic database, EBI's multiple alignment software, and Expasy's proteomics tools. 'Bioinformatics Basics' is an introductory book about the influence of computers on the biological sciences and medicine. The book describes how to find and access publicly available information about genes, proteins, and diseases. It explains in simple terms biological concepts and how to find and compare DNA and amino acid sequences, understand protein folding and predict protein structures. It also explains the importance of diverse genome projects and the emerging sciences of genomics and proteomics. Contents: Preface.- Introduction.- Biology and Bioinformatics.- Computers in Biology and Medicine.-Biological Macromolecules.- Proteins.- DNA and RNA Structure.- Databases and Search Tools.-Computational Tools and Databases.- Database Mining Tools.- Genome Analysis.- DNA Cloning and PCR.- Computational Tools For DNA Sequence Analysis.- Genome Analysis.- Functional Genomics.- Proteome Analysis.- Proteomics.- Metabolic Reconstruction.- Computer Revolution In Neurobiology.- Human Brain Project.- Computer Simulations and Visualization of Molecular Structures.- Predictive Biology.- Appendix." The 1st. edition has been translated into German:
Nutrition - West Meets
East This book written by Bob Rashidi and Lukas Buehler explores how people in the Western industrialized nations seek information from other cultures and their traditional insights into the healing power of nutrients. In Asia the concept of cold and warm food is known for over 2000 years. This idea says that being sick is the result of an imbalance of cold and warm humoral qualities (as seen when analyzing blood) and that this imbalance can be restored by the proper balance of cold and warm nutrients. The book present a history of this traditional concept and how it compares with modern nutritional advise. Many pages of tables give information about which foods have cold or warm humoral quality to restore a balance promoting health and improve physical performance. This information is supplemented by tables of nutritional values of food items and explains food guidelines including food guide pyramids and recommended dietary allowances found on food lables. December 28, 2002 / © 2002 Lukas K. Buehler / go back to Book Review Home