of books by Harry Collins, Trevor Pinch
HARRY COLLINS is Professor of sociology and director of the Science
Studies Center at the University of Bath. TREVOR PINCH is Associate Professor
in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Cornell University.
The Golem: What everyone should know about science
by Harry Collins, Trevor Pinch
Cambridge University Press, 1998
THE GOLEM or what every student of science should know about
the sociology of science!!!
Sociology of science has found its favorite object -- deconstructing
hard science. To challenge the Gods and tear down monuments is a recurring
element in the history of Homo sapiens. What everyone should know about
science is not scientific knowledge, but the controversial nature of the
scientific method, i.e., how science is practiced. Science is done
by man and man is fallible, ambitious, corrupt. Who, if not scientists
themselves, should know this better? But who, if not scientists, could
talk about this in public? The myth goes that science dismantled God and
put itself in his place. Now sociology of science is demanding the demise
of the new God. Sociologists are asking for what is fair --
for scientists to admit that science is not the Holy Grail of objectivity.
Science is not what it is supposed to be and everyone should talk about
Here are four noteworthy comments about the book:
The preface explains the purpose of the book, namely that only controversial
science needs to be known to the lay person, even though ‘... most science
is uncontroversial’. Collins&Pinch imply here that they can make a
distinction between two types of science, and that the non-scientist should
pay attention to only one of them. Somehow Collins&Pinch expect that
the same person can figure out what science really is, even though it has
never been explained in this book. The book also never mentions or would
indicate that uncontroversial science has been controversial at some point,
although this controversy was interesting only to the scientists involved.
The lay person (and even scientists in other fields) would have missed
the esoteric details of the disputes, and rightly so. But there are disputes
in everything scientific and only the more acclaimed and groundbreaking
novelties are covered in 'the Golem' and labeled controversial. The book
makes no mention, then, that there can be no distinction between controversial
and uncontroversial science, there is only controversy that will be settled
by one account or another. The basic mechanism of settling a controversy
is the honest merging of experimental and theoretical account of reality.
The book implies that the way controversies are settled is the real depiction
of science and that it is a cultural rather than an objective process.
Controversy is what Collins&Pinch call ‘..how science really works.’
This is true and it is indeed mind boggling to see that in this age of
technology and science, the vast majority of people does not understand
how science is done. This is because nobody has ever told them so, and
the school curricula in science are rather a listing of facts. It is this
listing of facts which is really meant to be science that instills an incomplete
understanding of how these facts are gathered. Where does the knowledge
come from? Some familiar way of looking at the scientific method may come
from everyday gathering of information: looking at pictures (‘a picture
says more than thousand words’), listening to narratives of other people
about things we have not experienced ourselves, things we have not seen
with our own eyes and yet, by account of a person we trust, we think that
we have experienced a new truth and increased our knowledge by accepting
authority of the narrator. Science is done no other way. There is learning
of facts (textbook, technical knowledge), there is also learning of method,
that is, the way of understanding how observations are secured, based on
perceived ideas (theories, models, practical knowledge), of knowing what
to look for in order to discriminate the worthy from the unworthy. This
is human judgment, an act of finding the truth. By means of truth seeking,
i.e., judging, we try to understand how reality, the world outside us,
compares to actuality. The latter is our perception of the world. Truth
then would amount to the identity of reality and actuality.
What is the role of experimentation in science? As Collins&Pinch write
‘Experiments alone do not seem capable of settling [an] issue’ (Golem,
72). I agree. When I attended my first high school chemistry class, our
teacher proudly told us that ‘only the experiment is conclusive’, meaning
something like ‘only the experiment can show conclusive evidence to settle
a dispute’. But of course, this plainly overstates the role of the experiment
within the framework of any scientific research. Every scientist has a
hypothesis he or she would like to prove. It is within the framework of
this hypothesis, or expectation, that the experiment is conclusive, if,
and this is a big if, an experiment has been done properly. Here again
we have a factor that appears subject to the experimenters expertise and
judgment, to his honesty and manipulative skills, and last but not least,
his narrative skills in communicating his findings to others. A lot of
things, obviously, must be ‘right’. A single experiment can never satisfy
this demand, and therefore we speak of a ‘body of evidence’, meaning the
cumulative consistency of many individual experiments that are consistent
with a single hypothesis or theory.
In chapter 4 ‘ The germs of dissent’ Collins&Pinch make a very true
and most important statement: ‘Our modern understanding of biochemistry,
biology and the theory of evolution is founded on the idea that, aside
from the peculiar conditions of pre-history, life can only arise from
life’ (Golem, 79; italics added). Stated as such, this is a scientific
fact which today no serious scientist is willing to challenge (except for
the very prestigious experiment that would show how the first living (=
prebiotic) cell emerged from inorganic matter). give a wonderful account
of the controversy of how Louis Pasteur ‘won’ the dispute that life does
not emerge out of 'slime' (a mini-creation). Once microorganisms in a solution
are killed, life will no longer emerge from this solution. Pasteur
ultimately did not 'win' by superior experimentation [from today's perspective],
but with the help of influential friends within the French Academy of Science.
Now this sounds like a nice story of politics but not science, if not for
the fact that Pasteur was right. Collins&Pinch barely mention
why, today, we know he was right (I would love to know how many readers
could identify the real cause of Pasteur's own failing experiments solely
base on their account), and leave the unsuspected reader with the impression
that it was pure luck. Collins&Pinch are right in saying that Pasteur
suppressed some of his own contradictory results to save his hypothesis.
This seems to be a slap in the face of the true believer, but it summarizes
very nicely how progress is achieved in science; not by performing the
superior experiment alone, but by having the right conviction. It is pure
stubbornness that lets many scientist successfully pursue their goals.
Scientists often spend many, many years producing results that everybody
else would take as proof of following the wrong path. But they keep going
until they can prove that everybody else has too little faith, too little
strength, and too little conviction to believe in a cause. Yes,
it has to be said; it is this believe in a cause that is the engine
of science. This belief is a mixture of intuition and the logic of scientific
inquiry. Only combined with academic codes of honor, not to cheat oneself
or others, can such conviction be turned into hard experimental evidence.
Remember, it is not a single experiment that is decisive, but a growing
body of evidence that shapes any theory in science (see also Ludwik Fleck's
Genesis and development of a scientific fact). What Collins&Pinch
attack is the myth building of exactly this; that there exists this one
great experiment that proved this or that. This myth of the 'decisive experiment'
is admittedly a historical lie, a misdemeanor of the profession, a ritual
to provide certainty in a world of uncertainty. Collins and Pinch have
to be applauded to unmask this lie.
June 13, 1999 (update August 14, 1999) / ©
1999 Lukas K. Buehler / go back to Book
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