of books by Ray Kurzweil
RAY KURZWEIL is an inventor music synthesizers and machines with various
recognition technologies. A promoter of machine learning and artificial
intelligence, Kurzweil's writings are widely influential.
The Age of Spiritual
by Ray Kurzweil
Penguins Books, 1999
The subtitle of the book - when computers exceed human intelligence -
summarizes Kurzweil's central belief in the future of machine that are
like and in many respects better than men. Read through the glossary and
you get an abridged version of his writings, excellent definitions of
terms for readers unfamiliar with computer technology and intelligent
machine ideas. But can machines ever be like humans? The whole premise
of spiritual and intelligent machines is the congruity of brains and computers
and that intelligence is just a matter of complexity. Other questions
raised and not answered are; are computers thinking or just calculating?
Sometimes a shaky arguments carries the text; "The human brain presumably
follows the laws of physics, so it must be a machine, albeit a very complex
one" (p.5). But stones follow the laws of physics, a bacterium, a
tree. Are they machines, too? The biggest difference between man and machine,
however, is that the latter are optimal solutions and operate fast, while
life depends on suboptimal solutions. Life is adaptable, machines are
not. Just because software can be written that simulates adaptation does
not make the machine evolvable.
April 12, 2005 / © 2005
Lukas K. Buehler / go back to Book
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